New Computer or Tablet Setup without Data Transfer


Save yourself time and have the job done right. A skilled PTP Agent will visit your home to set up your new Computer or Tablet and install one printer and one software title -OR- set up your new tablet or mobile device and install two apps of your choice.



Service includes one of the following:

Initial setup of 1 Computer or Tablet system (computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers).
Perform the initial computer setup on first startup.

Perform 1 printer installation and 1 software installation.

Configure your existing internet access and a single existing e-mail account.

Run Customizer (on Windows computers) to remove any requested applications.


Initial setup of 1 tablet or mobile device.
Perform the initial device setup on first startup.

Add the device to your existing wireless network.

Help create and configure an app store account and install up to 2 selected apps.

Adjust system and power settings according to your preference.

Final steps
We’ll discuss best practices to keep your data, devices and network safe, as well as the benefits of security enhancements like two-factor authentication.

*Does not include moving or removing an existing computer system, data transfer or backup services, virus and spyware removal, or hardware repairs.